
Joshua Rubin

Middle School Director

Since 2005, Josh Rubin has worked in MCPS in various capacities: He has been a substitute teacher, a paraeducator, a special education teacher, and a social studies teacher. After teaching at various high schools and middle schools across the county, Josh now teaches social studies at A. Mario Loiederman Middle School.  

Josh first got started in union work when a colleague suggested that he would have a lot to offer his fellow educators in service to the Association. Since 2010, Josh has served as an MCEA building rep, a delegate to almost two dozen NEA and MSEA representative assemblies, testified for MCEA and for MCPS students in Annapolis and Rockville, and has participated in more union actions than he can remember. He has served in a variety of capacities, on many different caucuses and committees, at the local, state, and national levels during his time as an activist. The work Josh is most proud of, however, is serving as MCEA’s Parliamentarian from 2016-2024, where he helped our Association’s leaders behind the scenes and in front of the RA ensure that our union functioned in an orderly fashion.  

When Josh is not in front of students or working on MCEA business, you can find him spending time with his two children, doing puzzles (jigsaw, word, and otherwise!), reading, or nerding out on science fiction. He looks forward to serving all of you as your Middle School Director! 

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