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Montgomery County Education Association

Who We Are

MCEA is one of the largest local affiliates of the National Education Association (NEA).

MCEA is a leader in efforts to build a new kind of teachers’ union that responds to the needs of today’s educators.

We are more than 14,000 classroom teachers, guidance counselors, speech pathologists, media specialists, and other non-supervisory certified educators in the Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools system.

By joining MCEA, you help make decisions affecting your work life, and help our profession grow stronger.

The greater our numbers, the more effective we are at:


Educators are the decision makers of their profession.


Our relationships with parents and the community.


Elected officials on the needs of students and educators.


A cadre of teacher leaders through professional development.


For educators to be treated and compensated as professionals.


Around social justice issues, including closing the achievement gap.