November 19, 2015
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
12 Taft Ct. Rockville , MD 20850 United States
Lisa Markussen
The Montgomery County Education Association needs your expertise, advocacy, and assistance as we chart our path forward as a union, and a voice for education. MCEA has a long history of engaging with elected leaders. We strive to be sure decisions regarding our schools are made with the views of those closest to the work being included in the discussion. The NB certification carries weight with these elected officials and the community at-large. New MCEA President Chris Lloyd (a fellow NBCT) has asked to begin the process of recruiting NBCTs to serve as critical voices in the education community. We can leverage our collective voice to better shape the education debates currently in the public domain. The title of NBCT carries respect as well as responsibility. We welcome MCEA NBCTs to join in the first meeting of the NBCT Caucus.
Dinner will be served. Some preliminary ideas regarding political advocacy, lobbying, and public outreach will be presented. Also, please think about the following three points of discussion prior to the NBCT Caucus Kickoff.
1. What do we want our schools to look like in 5-10 years?
2. What do we need to do as a union to partner with MCPS to achieve that vision?
3. How can we leverage NBCT voices to advocate for this vision with community stakeholders and elected officials?
TO RSVP, PLEASE EMAIL BRIAN DONLON @ [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>