This Week at MCEA

May 13, 2024

  1. Elect Our Next Bosses! 
  2. Urgent Call for Action: Tell the County Council that our Schools Need More!
  3. RSVP: President Martin Retirement Celebration, June 14
  4. Union Contract Q&A: Educator Assignments
  5. Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) EOY Celebration June 6
  6. National Board Interest Sessions: Registration Now Open!
  7. MSEA Casting Calls
  8. Summer Social Justice Conference and Heritage Programs
  9. Upcoming Events from MSEA 

1. Elect Our Next Bosses!

Primary Elections are Tomorrow, May 14! 

 Find info on how and where to vote here. 

 Sign up here to pass out Apple Ballots at the polls! 


2. Urgent Call for Action: Tell the County Council that our Schools Need More!

On May 1, after months of pressure from our members and the community, the Education and Culture (E&C) Committee proposed an additional $46.5 million in critical funds to redress the shortfalls of the County Executive’s MCPS budget.

Last week, the full council voted to separate that request into three buckets.  Next week, they will conduct a straw vote on which and how many of those buckets to fund. It is imperative that all three buckets are funded.  If not, it could mean cuts that will increase class sizes and eliminate critically needed positions – the same problems keeping our schools stuck in a vicious cycle of understaffing and high turnover. 

You can help ensure our students and staff receive the funding we need for excellent and equitable schools. Click here to demand that the county council fully fund our schools! 


 3. RSVP: President Martin Retirement Celebration, June 14

Join MCEA as we honor, and say farewell, to MCEA President Jennifer Martin.

The celebration will take place on June 14, 2024, from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm at MCEA Headquarters, 12 Taft Court, Rockville.

RSVP here.


4. Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) EOY Celebration, June 6

 MCEA’s Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) invites you to an End of Year (EOY) Celebration on Thursday, June 6, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm at the MCEA Headquarters. Please  RSVP by June 3.


5. Union Contract Q&A: Educator Assignments

Question: Who can make a decision about a change in my grade or subject assignment, and do I have a voice in the process?

Answer: See Article 19. C. of the MCEA-MCPS Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), which states: Changes in grade assignment in the elementary schools and in subject assignment in the secondary schools will be made by the principal, who will invite teachers to express their preferences in writing. The principal will review preferences with the appropriate resource teacher, department chairperson, or team leader and/or grade-level teachers directly affected. If possible, changes in grade assignment in elementary schools and subject assignment in secondary schools will be voluntary.

Question: How many grade levels can an elementary teacher be moved?

Answer: See Article 19. B. 2., which states: Grade changes of more than three levels for elementary teachers who have taught at a particular level for 7 or more consecutive years shall be arrived at in a collaborative manner by the principal and the teacher. If an agreement is not reached, the assignment will be reviewed by the Director of Learning, Achievement and Administration, at the request of the unit member.

Question: When will I be notified of an assignment change for next year?

Answer: See Article 19 A. 1., which states: All unit members on duty, as of June 1 of any calendar year, will be given written notice by the appropriate officials of their school assignment for the forthcoming school year. Members will be notified between June 1 and the end of the school year.


 6. National Board Interest Sessions: Registration Now Open!

Are you a reflective teacher and ready to go on a journey of professional growth to achieve National Board Certification (NBC)? Eligible teachers who hold NBC receive a yearly $10,000 salary supplement and those who teach in low performing schools receive an additional $7,000 stacked on top of the $10K. If you are at least in your third year of teaching right now and curious about beginning the NBC process in Fall of 2024, please be sure to attend an NBC information session. Visit the flyer for more information and to register on PDO.


7. MSEA Casting Calls

MSEA is looking for student performing groups to potentially showcase their talent at future Fall RAs, including choirs, bands, dancing troupes, and other public school-based performance groups. If any such groups in your schools come to mind, please share information about them with Noreth Marquez Rico, [email protected].


8. Summer Social Justice Conference and Heritage Programs

Each May, our nation celebrates Jewish American Heritage Month, a time to honor the varied and vibrant history of Jewish Americans and explore their impact on the U.S., from its founding to today. Learn more about how NEA celebrates Jewish American Heritage Month. 

NEA’s Conference on Racial and Social Justice will be held in Philadelphia June 30 – July 2, 2024. For more information and registration details, visit the NEA website.

Celebrate the rich and diverse cultures of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI). Visit NEA for instructional resources and information. 


9. Upcoming Events from MSEA

Educator Appreciation Day at MSEA Headquarters in Annapolis (June 8): Learn more about this exciting event and all participating businesses making this day special here.

2024 Summer Leadership Conference (July 23)—One Union, One Voice: We’re All in This Together—learn more about this event and register here. The deadline to register is June 24, 2024, additional information here.

MSEA Day at Camden Yards (July 28): see event description here.


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