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This Week at MCEA

Apr 15, 2024
  1. Snapshot: 4/9 Grade in Action and Rally at the County Council 
  2. Apple Ballot Social Media Toolkit
  3. Elect Our Next Bosses!
  4. Apply NOW to be a Union Summer Member Organizer – Application Deadline April 19
  5. MCEA Labor Management Virtual Spring Training April 25
  6. RSVP: In-Person Representative Assembly (RA) May 1
  7. Celebrate Chris Lloyd on National Teacher Appreciation Day, May 7 
  8. MSEA Professional Development Opportunity: Empowering Education Through Policy and Practice (Registration Deadline: May 6) 


  1. Snapshot: 4/9 Grade in Action and Rally at the County Council

Top left to bottom: Apple Ballot endorsed candidates came out to support the fight for fundingAn educator with a sign reading “Schools just wanna have funds;” Members getting ready to march to the county council building; We packed the hearing room with our members and our union brothers and sisters from SEIU 500 and MCAAP. 

We flooded the county council hearing on April 9 with members from MCEA, MCAAP, and SEIU 500 standing up to demand full funding of the MCPS budget. Members delivered powerful testimony about what defunding MCPS does to our students today and its impact on our community’s future. 

There is more work to do! Be sure to send your letter to the county council by clicking here to demand that the county council fully fund our schools! 


2. Apple Ballot Social Media Toolkit

Spread the word about our Apple Ballot endorsed Board of Education candidates. Click here for the Apple Ballot Social Media Toolkit. You’ll find handles for tagging the candidates, suggested captions, hashtags, and links to downloadable graphics you can share on your social media platform of choice. 


3. Elect Our Next Bosses! 

Take action to get our Apple Ballot recommended candidates elected with an Apple Ballot shift!

Early voting starts Thursday, May 2, 2024, and runs through Thursday, May 9, 2024. There are early morning, morning, mid-day, afternoon, and evening shifts available at multiple locations throughout the county. Sign up for your early voting Apple Ballot shift here! 

You can also sign up to pass out Apple Ballots at the polls on Election Day – May 14! Find more info, a list of polling places, and sign up here.

For more information, please contact Alicenne Passavanti at apassavanti@mceanea.org 


4. Apply NOW to be a Union Summer Organizer – Application Deadline April 19 

MCEA’s Union Summer program is an exciting opportunity for MCEA members to improve their organizing skills by doing outreach to new educators, non-members, and members about critical issues we face in our schools. 

MCEA’s Union Summer Program will be held from July 8 – August 16, 2024 

Interested in becoming a union summer organizer? Apply here! The deadline to apply is April 19. 


5. MCEA Labor Management Virtual Spring Training April 25 

On Thursday, April 25, 2024, 5-7pm (Virtual), MCEA will offer a labor management training open to member representatives currently serving on collaboration committees, workgroups, CTL, and labor management committees. The purpose of this training, previously offered in the Fall during the MCEA Membership Conference, is to review the MCEA labor management structure, including the role and function of the various bodies and best practices for influencing positive change and centering educator voice through committee work. If you are a current member representative serving on a collaboration committee, workgroup, CTL, or labor management committee, please sign up here: MCEA Labor Management Training – Spring 2024

If you are not currently a member representative and are interested in being considered for appointment to a committee or workgroup in the future, please complete the committee interest form here: MCEA Committee Interest Form. 


 6. In-Person Representative Assembly (RA) May 1 

 Join fellow leaders in person for May’s action-driven RA.
4:15 pm – Doors open with refreshments available
4:45 pm – Meeting start 

RSVP here  


7. Celebrate Chris Lloyd on National Teacher Appreciation Day, May 7 

There will be a celebration to remember our past MCEA President and beloved colleague, Chris Lloyd, who passed away earlier this year. 

  • Host: Pamela Lloyd 
  • Date: May 7, 2024 
  • Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm 
  • Place: MCEA Conference Center, 12 Taft Court, Rockville 
  • RSVP to follow 


8. MSEA Professional Development Opportunity: Empowering Education Through Policy and Practice (Registration Deadline: May 6) 

Save the date and join MSEA on Saturday, May 11 for a “Policy Meets Practice” journey. The day will include snapshot training sessions as outlined below. 

The workshop will offer tailored strategies designed to empower educators like you. Explore the new seclusion & restraint regulation through the lens of De-Escalation Training. Come away with next-day strategies to deal with trauma-related behavior. 

The second session includes a general overview of COMAR 13A.07.06 and 13A.12, which focuses on certification regulations and new Maryland teacher pathways and programs. Dive into certification regulations, expanded teacher pathways, and more in this specialized session tailored just for you.

Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024
Time: 10am – 2pm (lunch is included)
Location: MSEA Headquarters, 140 Main Street, Annapolis, MD  21401
Registration: First-come, first served. Click here to register. Deadline: May 6

Contact: Géraldine Duval or your CEPP team specialists